COVID-19: Academic year 2020-21 Plan

In partnership with:

ICON College looks forward to welcoming the existing and new student in February 2021 semester. The College management has been working hard to ensure that students, staff and visitors can be safe and secure in the next academic year. In this regard, College Management Board approved to appoint a third-party for a risk assessment of the College campus as a result of the Covid pandemic.

The College has been continuously following the Government Covid 19 alerts and guidance to take appropriate actions to ensure the Health & Safety for all. Based on the 1-5 different levels of Government alerts, the College will adopt appropriate actions on teaching and for its all various student services and provisions and to protect the welfare of students and staff. In the highest alert level of 5, in complete lockdown, no social contacts, all teaching will be via online and all services will be via online, email and telephone. As the alert goes lower and with relaxation of lockdown, limited services will be provided on campus, face to face, as appropriate, maintaining social distances and following all Health & Safety rules.

The College has set up a Covid Response Team (CRT) to deal with the College’s approach to the pandemic on a day-to-day basis. Information about its role and the College’s approach to Covid is available on the College website. The College has also undertaken a risk assessment, which it is sharing with staff and student representatives [See accompanying documents: Covid Risk Assessment pp. 7-10 and Risk Register pp.11-13] 


For the February 2021 semester ICON is planning to teach primarily online delivery via Kaltura teaching online platform integrated with the existing ICON VLE (Moodle). This means that lectures, seminars and tutorials will be delivered via Kaltura and the ICON VLE platform. Where possible and the current Government rules permit, the College also intends to deliver some seminars and tutorials on campus to make it as a blended delivery mode. In order to achieve this outcome the College is undertaking a thorough risk assessment, sharing it with student representatives and is following public health guidelines [See: Staying outside one’s home and in public places staying alert and safe (social distancing: HM Government].

The College will ensure to provide COVID-secure access, as far as reasonably practicable, to the College campus facilities including library and other resources depending on an individual unit, so students can benefit from them as part of their course. We will also try to enable the students to have at least limited access to some key on campus facilities.

The College is committed to provide the highest possible standard of teaching and learning experience to all students within the scope of the Covid 19 restrictions by following all regulatory Health & Safety Rules for students and staff.


All submissions, feedback, marking and publishing results are online using ICON VLE.

Induction and CPD

Both CPD (Continuous Professional Development) workshop for the Tutors and the induction for new students will also be online using the same platform.


The College Administration and Admissions Office is open for potential candidates to attend the English Language Test on Campus as well as via the online platform. The interviews are done via online using MS Team by the Admission Tutors.

Social Distancing

The College is operating the following the Government rules and restrictions on social distancing in Campus with all the Health & Safety measures in place.

College services

As per the Government website link, there are five levels of COVID Alert:

Considering the above table, we perceive ourselves to be in Alert level 4 for the February 2021 semester and adopt the following options accordingly to deal with the rules. The College will adjust these options as the Alert level changes to higher or lower levels. The new options will be notified to the students accordingly by text, emails, ICON VLE and will be published in the College website.

  • Students can access on line resources via ICON VLE
  • Library, Café, Computer Lab, Printing facilities will remain closed. Students will not be able to enter the library and will only be able to use E-learning facilities. The College is familiar with the NHS Test and Trace Guidance and will follow its requirements wherever necessary.
  • The College is compliant with public library guidelines. [See: Guidance for Public Libraries: HM Government]
  • Every student who owns a phone capable of Covid App download will be required to do so.
  • Students Support is Online: email, via telephone
  • Academic advice and Counselling are online: Video call (MS Team), telephone and email
  • Students welfare services Online: Video call (MS Team), telephone and email.
  • The Administrative Office will remain open for limited access for various support services following social distances and Health & Safety Rules

On-Campus safety measures

College staff and student wellbeing and safety are our highest priority.  We have taken the measures for the campus that include:

  • The maintenance of a 2m social distancing.
  • All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings in classrooms, corridors, toilets etc.
  • The regular cleaning of class rooms, corridor, toilets and office areas using sanitiser will occur in line with the government guidelines [Covid 19 cleaning of non-healthcare settings].
  • The provision of guidance on how to put on and/or remove a face covering correctly and identify any student exempt from wearing a mask.
  • The assurance that any student certificated with an exemption from wearing a mask due to health or other acceptable reason will be required to wear a lanyard so all students understand his/her condition.
  • Measures that have been taken to ensure adequate ventilation throughout the College.
  • The provision of details to all students on how to safely travel to and from College, identifying the safest forms.
  • The introduction, where necessary, segmentation of classes to support student seminars.
  • Enough stock of hand sanitizer is provided at different entry points and in all toilets for when physical classes are held.
  • Toilets that have been designed to ensure social distancing and appropriate sanitation.
  • Posters and leaflets displaying on Covid 19 Health & Safety information.
  • Clear signs in place to follow social distancing
  • The usage of a distance temperature test machine for incoming students and staff at the Campus where possible and appropriate.
  • An adequate stock of face masks and hand gloves are in place for use particularly for anyone who has forgotten or mislaid his/her mask.
  • A separate entrance and exit for all student, staff and visitors using a one-way system is maintained with staggered arrival and departure times to reduce potential congestion.  

Tower Hamlets has published a local coronavirus outbreak control plan which can be found on:

Covid-19 Outbreak Plan

Outbreak Definition

The NHS definition of an outbreak is where there are two or more linked cases (probable/confirmed cases) occurring in the College within 14 days, where cross transmission has been identified [Universities UK Checklist: October 2020; Letter from Minister Donelan 16th October 2020]

Suspected symptoms (Staff members on campus)

  • If staff members suspect they have symptoms of Covid-19, they must immediately inform their line manager or Principal and follow the advice and guidance given.
  • Staff members will either be asked to remain where they are (if they are able to safely stay away from others), or they will be asked to move to an isolation room. At this point they should ensure they are wearing their face covering and limit what they touch.
  • The line manager, will attend the incident location and put on a face covering, disposable gloves and remain 2 metres from the staff member with suspected symptoms. He/she will ask the staff member to wear their face covering and will ask further questions to ascertain if first aid or further medical advice is required or if the staff member can safely get home to self-isolate. They will also ask questions on where they have been, who they may have been “in contact with” and their general movements around campus.
  • The staff member will be advised to contact the NHS 111 online coronavirus service ( which allows people to check if they have symptoms, to book a test as soon as possible and follow the Government/NHS guidance.
  • The member of staff must self-isolate in line with NHS guidance along with the rest of their household until test results are confirmed. The process from that point will depend on the result.
  • If the test is negative the member of staff should inform the line manager and HR.

Confirmed Case (Staff/Students)

  • If the test is positive the member of staff must follow NHS guidance, continue to self-isolate and inform, their line manager who is required to immediately report the matter to the CRT.
  • When a positive case of Covid-19 infection is identified in the College, standard contact tracing will be implemented through the National Test and Protect (TaP) system.
  • The CRT will seek support from our local Health Protection Team (HPT) which provides support to investigate and manage health protection incidents and national and local action plans for infectious diseases.
  • The address of the local Health Protection Team supporting ICON College is:

                                     North East and North Central London Health Protection Team, 4th Floor, Wellington House, 133-135

                                     Waterloo Road, SE1 8UG.


The latest update can be found in

Supporting students who are required to self-isolate

[Source: Universities UK Checklist: Letter from Minister Michelle Donelan: 16th October 2020]

NB: It is likely many of the students will have a GP and are not in halls of residence or other student accommodation being mature and with homes and families of their own. However, the requirement on the College applies to any student particularly those living on their own and away from their family in a private rental.

The CRT is the Covid contact for any student with whom symptoms can be reported and advice sought. The SWO will ensure that continuous contact is retained with any student having to self-isolate to ensure their wellbeing. The CRT email address is

A member of the CRT will offer guidance for students to access local NHS services and check each student is registered with a GP. He/she will provide a continuous update to the latest Covid advice coming from local and national authorities and check each student and member of staff has downloaded the NHS App covering track and trace.

The CRT will pay specific attention to the needs of disabled students and encourage any student to disclose any pre-existing mental or physical ailment affecting the student’s wellbeing, guiding each to an appropriate health service on offer. It will maintain continuous contact with any student of this nature needing further support and if necessary and with the student’s agreement ask if he/she would be happy for family or friends to be involved in giving support.

The CRT will encourage student representatives to provide peer support, where possible, in the event of a student’s enforced self-isolation. It will maintain regular communication with student representatives and also ensure that both cultural and religious requirements are supported.

The College, through the CRT, reporting to the Management Board, will retain contact with the Director of Public Health (DPH) in Tower Hamlets at the following address:

Dr Somen Banerjee (Director of Public Health), Mulberry House 4th Floor, 5 Clove Crescent, E14 2BG

The College will issue any directives from the DPH or local Health Protection Team to affected students, parents, staff, wider students and wider community.

The CRT will offer a basic care package for students in isolation, if required, which ensures that the student has access to food, hygiene, religious centre for worship, laundry, bin bags etc. It will check that the isolating student is able to maintain internet services. The College has ensured online access to library services.

In the event of a student having to self-isolate the CRT will confirm his/her state of health during isolation, which will determine whether the student can continue to work online at home or there is extenuating circumstances enabling an extension within the assessment process. It will liaise with the VP Academic to determine the outcome of each individual case.

In the event of updates to public health decisions the College will ensure that all students and staff are kept fully informed, where changes to Covid policy, procedures or Risk Register occur.

NB: Prior to a student needing to isolate the College may require evidence of a positive test result.

Booking a Test

Staff or students wishing to book a test can do so through the NHS Website. All test sites in Tower Hamlets require prior booking. There is a drive through site at Billingsgate and walk through sites located at Watney Market and Mile End Arts Pavilion. Staff and students can also book a home testing kit through the NHS Website.

Effective monitoring of the Plan

The Management Board monitors the plan on a day-to-day basis supported by regular feedback from the Covid Response Team. The Board of Governance (BoG) will review the effectiveness of the Plan at its regular meetings through MSTeam. In the event of a serious outbreak of Covid the Principal and/or Managing Director will convene an emergency meeting of the BoG [See: College Covid Risk Assessment].

Communicating the Plan

The College will communicate the Plan and the risk register to all stakeholders including staff via college attendance for those able to attend and a number of organised online MSTeam meetings. The College will email the Plan and the risk register to all staff and students. The College will make it clear in the email that compliance is required and possible sanctions in operation for non-compliance. The College will use MSTeam meetings to follow up to staff and provide an MSTEAM session for a full complement of student representatives.

NB: The College will require all staff and students to sign that they have seen the Plan agreeing that they will comply with it. This gives assurance that all stakeholders have read the Plan and are aware of the requirements.

Statement of expectations

All staff and students are expected to give full compliance with the Covid 19 plan. This is necessary to ensure the safety of all of our stakeholders. The College will not hesitate to take disciplinary measures to any personnel deliberately breaking the regulations contained in the Plan.   

Covid Risk Assessment

The College has undertaken thorough risk assessment and produced a risk register identifying high, medium and low risks. The College has taken mitigating action against all identified risks {See: Risk Register]

1. Specific Risks

 The Risk Register has been constructed on the following possible identified risks:

    • A significant number of ICON staff and students are infected by Covid-19;
    • The Campus is required to close by order of the OfS or UK Government;
    • The Access and Participatin Plan (APP) recruits at risk BAME, disabled etc which increases the risk of Covid 19.
    • The staff prductivity level goes down thus affecting the operational activities and strategic outcomes of the College due to Covid 19.
    • An inability to effectively start the February 2021 academic term in earnest, thus affecting the income and cashflow (SLC remittance) due to not being able to confirm students’ registration and attendance.
    • ICON IT infrastructure des not adequately support alternative delivery of courses including but not limited to distance learning (online) and does not facilitate working from home;
    • The inability to recruit required/target number of students for the next academic year;
    • The attendance mnitoring of students does not meet the regulatory/awarding bodies’ requirements;
    • The students’ attendance drps significantly, thus affecting the SLC remittance and award/achievement rates;
    • Increased drp-out rates among existing students;
    • The OfS and QAA perate a reduced level of service thus affecting the timing of ICON’s OfS registration.

2. Covid-19: Desired Outcomes

ICON College looks forward to welcoming the existing and new student intake at the start of the February 2021 semester. The College management team has been working hard to ensure that students, staff and visitors can be safe and secure in the next academic year. In this regard, the College Management Board agreed to appoint a third-party advisor for a risk assessment of the College campus as a result of the Covid pandemic.

The College expects its staff and students to ensure that the following outcomes are achieved:

Staff Working

  • All staff will wrk closely and collegiately to ensure that all classes continue seamlessly using a number of platforms:
  • Lecturers are equipped with resurces and are trained to deliver online classes;
  • All lecturers must embrace the nline platform, be open to training and show their willingness to deliver academic activities using all delivery platforms as decided by the College from time to time;
  • The staff will make sure that the Cllege’s VLE and IT infrastructure functions well without any downtime;
  • The fllowing academic delivery platforms/options are acceptable for attendance purpose:
    • Telephone/WhatsApp calls/text messages;
    • Zoom and MS Team
    • Live streaming of audio/video-based classes using online platform;
    • Recorded streaming of audio/video-based classes;
    • Emails attaching Lecture Materials;
    • Print/Post Lecture Materials

Attendance Capture Tools

The following source documents can be used to record attendance
  • VLE login records;
  • Completed Individual Learning Plans (ILP);
  • Witness statement/logs by lecturers;
  • Email correspondence;
  • Excel records of attendance;
  • Recording of Class Sessions;

Home Working

  • Until further notice, most staff will be required to work from home and remain highly productive;
  • All staff must access IT and have the tools to work from home:
  1. Staff will be able to use their own equipment;
  2. Staff can utilise College equipment subject to availability;
  • The Principal or line managers can ask staff to provide evidence of the work before processing payment;
  • Every member of  staff will be required to join appropriate video conference tools (including ZOOM or MSTeam) on request. The IT Department can, where necessary, offer training in the use of video conferencing tools. In cases where members of staff are unable to access appropriate video conference tools, communication will be undertaken by telephone.

SLC Remittance

Confirm the registration and attendance on real time basis (without any delay);
  • All students who are not in attendance are asked on a daily basis to attend virtual classes via their respective programme team.
  • All types of academic interactions are logged as attendance (e.g. virtual, VLE or telephone surgeries with personal/academic tutors).
  • Attendance registers reflect all types of academic activities (e.g. virtual, VLE or telephone surgeries with personal/academic tutors).

Compliance with OfS Guidance

  • The College will follow the OfS guidance.
  • It will complete the OfS Covid-19 form and submit it to OfS on a timely basis.
  • It will report to OfS on a daily basis any students who test positve. Any student testing poitive is required to send an email to the College with name, ID and date of the test result at

                  Covid Response Team(CRT)

  • The College COVID Response Team (CRT) will also be informed of a student or member of staff registering a positive test.
  • It will advise on further action which may include identification of wider contacts for an ‘inform and advice’ letter to include: communication to students and staff on the same course; support for prevention on campus; and arranging for testing as required.
  • The CRT will provide guidance on the need for the self-isolation of others living with the member of staff or student.
  • All members of staff and students will be informed of the confirmed case and the advice issued by CRT. The Management Board will co-ordinate internal and external communication, taking advice from CRT as appropriate.

Outbreak Guidance

 In the event of an outbreak the guidance below will be followed:
  • The CRT will undertake a risk assessment and conduct a rapid investigation advising on the most appropriate action taking account of the measures that have been put in place to aid infection prevention and control.
  • Staff and students who have had close contact with case(s) will be asked to self-isolate at home. In some cases, a larger number of other staff and students may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure.


  • The CRT will establish a team to help manage the situation depending on the risk assessment outcome to put in place appropriate interventions including control measures to manage the outbreak which may include:
    • Intense cleaning in the setting where there is a risk of contamination;
    • A formal request for wider testing of staff potentially affected;
    • Immediate communication of information as appropriate to ensure that staff (and other relevant people), are aware of what has happened and the actions being taken;
    • Immediate closure of an area of a building or building itself, which may be required following advice from CRT or as decided by the Management Board as a precaution. Any response requiring closure of all or part of a building will always be escalated to the Management Board. 
  • The CRT will declare when the outbreak is over. If there are no further cases after an agreed period, a final review meeting will be held to consider lessons learned;

COVID Risk Management Framework

ICON College looks forward to welcoming the existing and new student in February 2021 semester. The College management has been working hard to ensure that students, staff and visitors can be safe and secure in the next academic year. In this regard, College Management Board approved to appoint a third-party for a risk assessment of the College campus as a result of the Covid pandemic.

3.   Risk Management Principles

  • The Cllege wishes to reasonably assure that it can protect the interests of stakeholders. It is important, however, to stress that nothing can provide absolute assurance as almost no system can provide absolute certainty. However, the College will do all in its power to minimise risk through mitigating actions.
  • The Cllege believes it has put in place structures and processes which can identify, analyse, monitor, review and report Covid-19 risks.

           3.1 Risk Rating

             The College has identified a set of metrics to effectively measure and mitigate risk.

  • The risk ‘likelihod’ characterises the chance that a certain event may occur.
  • The risk ‘impact’ characterises the effect n the College if the risk crystalises even after the mitigating actions are taken. Risk impacts can have operational, reputational and financial effects.
  • The risk ‘rating’ is a calculated number that reflects the severity f a risk and is calculated by multiplying likelihood and impact.

3.2 Colour Key

Colour Key








3.3 Key Matrics




Risk status (Overall score)

5 - Very Probable ((VP) 81% to 100%)

5 - Very High

25 (Very High 22 - 25)

4 - Probable ((P) 61% to 80% Probability of occurring)

4 - High

16 (High 15- 21)

3 – Evens ((E) 41% to 60% Probability of occurring)

3 - Moderate

9 (Moderate 9-14)

2 - Unlikely ((U) 11% to 40% Probability of occurring)

2 - Low

4 (Low 4 - 8)

1 - Very Unlikely ((VU) 0% to 10% Probability of occurring)

1 - Very Low

1 (Very Low 1 - 3)

Covid 19 Risk register

Specific Risk   



Impact   Risk   Officer             Mitigating action   Monitoring

Campus contaminated

Significant number of staff and students are infected

1 5 5 Principal      Campus closed         

Weekly confirmation  of no infections


Campus closure required by OfS/Government                                           

2 5 10 Principal   Undertake reviews of all directives                 

MB maintains daily  and weekly reviews of public information     

Access and Participation

The Plan recruiting BAME Disabled e.g.
students at high risk of contracting the virus           

2 4 8

Student  Welfare Officer


Undertake continuous monitoring ein line with Universities UK checklist         

Reporting weekly to chair of the management board

Oversight of Risk Register

Changes in Covid regulations via
government or regulators
requires continuous amendment and update and potentially misses major advice   

1 5 5


OfS Officer   

Provision of key information to relevant staff                          

Weekly by MB and  regularly by BoG     

Maintaining 2 metres social distance

Occasionally this becomes difficult to maintain at all times

3 4 12 SWO Compulsory wearing of masks and usage of sanitizer and hand washing at end of session                    

SWO reports to MB who ensure outcome delivered      

IT Infrastructure

IT infrastructure does not  support blended learning and home working

1 5 5



Ensure blended learning monitored  regularly

Monthly oral feedback to  Management Board



Inability to recruit targeted number of students for the next academic year

3 4 12



Review marketing


Report to BOG    

Student Attendance

Student attendance during Covid period does not meet  regulatory requirements

2 5 10 Principal

a)Check regulatory 

bodies for quality

procedures of 

‘good’ practice  

b)Implement new

Covid procedures                                  

Day to day by Management Board and at all BOG



Student Attendance  

Attendance drops significantly affecting SLC remittance, progression rates 

2 5 10



a)Ensure awareness of attendance rules

for on-line study   

b)Inform all students of requirements and  speak regularly with student cohort reps           

Emergency BoG meeting and   requisite action Management Board(MB)                                      

Student withdrawal

Increased withdrawal rates among existing students                                                         

4 5 20



Reinforce personal   tutor actions            

MB to collect data to evalute drop out relationship to Covid






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